مدیریت پروژه

Farahamrahan project planning and manage institute

The Farahamrahan project planning and control institute has taken the initiative to develop professional and social managers

The project planning and manage Institute acts on the basis of the Constitution and adhere to integrity, honesty,

respect for others, team working and innovation.

The project planning and manage Institute is committed to professional ethics in business and we will do our best in this direction.

Project Planning and control , we will spell out the word planning,

planning to prepare for any event, and decide on the right time .

Project Planning and control is a set of projections and policies that shape the implementation of the project.

The PMBOK standard defines Project Planning and control not to end after the first planning.

In project planning and manage , we are constantly improving and improving the

programs in order to make the implementation as best as possible.

The Future Belongs To Those Who See Possibilities Today

We are proud to be one of the best project management institute

new methods of project management are innovated by Farahamrahan project management institute

in order to have students satisfaction.

 PMBOK standard and PMP exam preparation are the main courses that we have been successful so far

شناسنامه مقاله
تاریخ بازنگری
مشاوره و آموزش خصوصی مدیریت و برنامه ریزی سازمانی
میزان رضایت از متن